Problem Link


You are given a string s and a robot that currently holds an empty string t. Apply one of the following operations until s and t are both empty:

  • Remove the first character of a string s and give it to the robot. The robot will append this character to the string t.
  • Remove the last character of a string t and give it to the robot. The robot will write this character on paper.

Return the lexicographically smallest string that can be written on the paper.


Example 1:

Input: s = "zza"
Output: "azz"
Explanation: Let p denote the written string.
Initially p="", s="zza", t="".
Perform first operation three times p="", s="", t="zza".
Perform second operation three times p="azz", s="", t="".

Example 2:

Input: s = "bac"
Output: "abc"
Explanation: Let p denote the written string.
Perform first operation twice p="", s="c", t="ba". 
Perform second operation twice p="ab", s="c", t="". 
Perform first operation p="ab", s="", t="c". 
Perform second operation p="abc", s="", t="".

Example 3:

Input: s = "bdda"
Output: "addb"
Explanation: Let p denote the written string.
Initially p="", s="bdda", t="".
Perform first operation four times p="", s="", t="bdda".
Perform second operation four times p="addb", s="", t="".



  • 1 <= s.length <= 105
  • s consists of only English lowercase letters.



class Solution:
    def robotWithString(self, s: str) -> str:
        N = len(s)
        res = []
        stack = []
        count = Counter(s)
        for x in s:
            if count[x] == 1:
                del count[x]
                count[x] -= 1
            while stack and count and stack[-1] <= min(count):
        if stack:
            res += stack[::-1]
        return "".join(res)